Thank You Phoenix
Published on March 21, 2013
In just a few days he’ll be 11 months already.
He’s cruising along the wall and pushes his bottom lip out when he gets upset.
He’s tangled himself around my insides–he’s taken over every fiber of my heart.
He’s making me into a better person with his clever little smile.
He has stayed true to his name and set my whole world on fire.
But like when flame is purposely ignited in the desert, he’s only helping to burn away the debris which once cluttered my Soul.
You see, I never knew love could feel this way. And I never knew life could sometimes be so hard.
Underneath the ash is fear I’ve never attended to, even twigs of anger and insecurity.
If it wasn’t for him, I think I might have just left them there.
Hoping they would rot and decay.
But how would I have learned the purpose of kindness.
The importance of compassion.
And how it all truly begins
When we willingly excavate the darker parts.
When we discover love grows wild
In the shadows of our own hearts.
Thank you Phoenix.
Thank you for blessing me with so much.
I’m eternally grateful,
To be anointed
As your Mom.
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