There Was A Time


There was a time that I rolled out my Yoga mat every morning with the sunrise.

There was a time that I found myself in my favorite Yoga Studio four to five times a week.

There was a time that I sat every Friday night in Yoga Teacher Training.

There was a time downward facing dog felt as easy as bending my pinky finger.

There was a time my body and I knew each other deeply…intimately…sacredly.  A time that I felt comfortable in my own blessed skin.  That I could pinpoint immediately where I was holding stress or when illness was about to creep in.  There was a time I felt strong, fluid, and connected to a greater wisdom–because I felt fully in my body.

There was a time that I started to walk away from all this.  That I began to bury myself.  Maybe even hide.

There was a time that I became a house guest to self neglect.  That I pushed, I forced, I ignored, I hid.

I did everything except love myself.  Or honor this body I live in.

There was a time that I finally said enough.  That I rolled out my yoga mat and let my body fall into a child’s pose as Phoenix crawled on top of me.

There was a time that I finally decided I have to make my way back.  To a practice that nourishes me, to a habit that supports me.

There was a time that I finally decided to squeeze it in, make it a priority, do it daily–for as little or as long as I can.

This time was just a few days ago.

But now I can say there was a time that I finally choose to stop the self-destructive path I was on–and begin the journey to loving myself again.

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