The Power of A Woman Retreat

I just got back from an absolutely life- changing retreat in Ojai, California.

It was called “The Power of A Woman” retreat and it was hosted by Sukhdev Jackson–a beautiful Soul who is both a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and the voice behind the music medicine of Aykanna.

I did a lot of Yoga.

A lot.

We’re talking three classes a day.

I slept in a tea house tent every night–serenaded by owls and wolves and an orchestra of crickets.

Then every morning I was visited by a magical family of deer outside my door.

The retreat center was located on a century old estate that had both a winery and a permaculture garden.  There was an amazing chef that made all our meals fresh from food picked off the land only moments before becoming a meal!

On Friday night there was a New Moon and we celebrated with live kirtan playing as we danced wildly together!

We started every day at 6am with yoga and chanting as the sun rose over the mountains–it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life—to be surrounded by the voices of women as the sun covered us in it’s glory.  The world felt so right–so peaceful–so perfect in those moments.

We even spent time playing outside like children–doing the Hokey Pokey and singing Girl Scout songs and playing clapping games!  It was a little silly at first, but after awhile every woman seemed to go right back to being seven years old again—and I can’t tell you how healing it was.

There was also down time which I spent napping, reading, or sketching in my Moleskine.

We did a lot of journaling exercises, sharing, and we even attended a sweat lodge out in the woods together.  (Which broke me open completely!)

I left my laptop at home and I only used my phone to check on Phoenix.  I didn’t answer emails, look at Facebook, or scroll around on Instagram.  I didn’t take any pictures until the last day–and then, I didn’t take many actually.

I wanted to experience life unplugged.  At it’s natural pace.

I wanted to connect deeper with my true Source–my Mother Earth–my God.

I wanted to visit my shadow–my darkness and actually embrace it, and find love there too.

I wanted to be around like-minded women–leaders, healers, conscious mothers, yoginis.

And I did all that….and not only do I feel refreshed.

I feel reborn.


Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th is my FREE Spreecast where I’ll be speaking about workshops, creative circles, & retreats! Sign up HERE to join me and learn more!!

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