Painting The Feminine :: Spirit Guide


I was spending the evening chatting away with my dear friend and amazing painter, Jessie,  while playing on illustration board with oil pastels when this sweet little image began to surface.

I was kind of surprised to see an angel–since I’ve been so used to painting my ladies in robes.

But none the less, I like to think that maybe she’s my Spirit Guide.

That when I allow myself to just play–
to simply move color around–
not take things so goshdarn seriously–
that the Feminine has more room to flow–
and show herself to me more vividly.

Please join me LIVE in celebrating my Painting The Feminine series on

Monday, December 2 at 12pm PST / 3pm EST for a FREE Spreecast!

I will be giving a flip through my Painting The Feminine art journal, sharing my paintings on canvas, and creating a Painting The Feminine art journal spread too!  So please bring your art journal and join me in Painting The Feminine!!

All you need to do is RSVP by going HERE!

(A recording of the show will be available on Dirty Footprints Studio for those who can’t make it.)

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