How I Get My Downloads From Creative Source


My friends and I talk a lot about “getting the download”–and how our spiritual practices and our art in our lives helps clear the path–so we are able to “get the download” more quickly and with greater clarity from our Source.  God, if you may.  And well…I have to laugh.  Because I learned something very valuable about myself yesterday in regards to my own downloading capability….and that’s that I receive my downloads generally in the form of anger and getting really freaking pissed off.

Yep.  Nothing very “spiritual” and “holy” about that–now is there?

Well, that’s what I used to think.  Or actually what I was told and conditioned to believe.  Because you know—nice girls don’t get angry.

But after I wrote this little diddy HERE about wearing my shrunken wool sweater, I plopped Phoenix in his stroller and ran up the mountain by where we lived.  I was out of breath–sweating–and burning off excess energy.

And that’s when it hit me.  Every time I hit my breaking point where I’m just screaming to the Universe for direction–I get pissed, angry, frustrated–and the download is that.  “THIS IS NOT WORKING–GO IN A NEW DIRECTION.”

My job then is to channel that anger in a positive direction.  Hence running up the mountain or even writing about it.  And in doing so, I was able to burn away the energy that my nervous system couldn’t handle–the anger settled away–and I was left with crystal clear clarity of what to do next.

So yeah.  Anger is a good thing.

It’s a God thing actually.

And if we could learn to use it with more compassion and as a tool for our own creative and spiritual development–think of how much better the world would be!

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