#21DaysInMyArtWorld :: Lesson Learned


This January I’m playing along in Tara Leaver’s #21DaysInMyArtWorld challenge over on Instagram.  And just for fun I’m posting my photos and musings here on the blog as well. Today’s prompt is:Lesson Learned.

CLICK HERE to check out the series so far!

In high school and art school, way before art journaling was called “art journaling”, I painted in used books because it was way cheaper than buying sketchbooks and I could always find a size or shape that I really liked. Plus, it felt a bit rebellious to do so.

Almost 13 years ago I moved from Cleveland, OH to Phoenix, AZ and I just didn’t want to lug with me boxes and boxes of art journals at the time. So a friend generously offered to store them in her basement.

Years later, when I returned back to Cleveland, I revisited those boxes. I decided to go through them all and keep only what I could stuff into one box — the rest ended up in a dumpster.

I remember how flipping through those pages felt like walking backwards through a former life.

Art journaling has always been my way of documenting my life as well as working through some of the harder lessons need be learned.

This piece is a great example of trying to make sense of something I was struggling with.

What I love is that the answer always comes. Maybe not clearly in words or even symbols. But definitely in a shift of energy or perspective.

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