Creating A Studio Altar {Video}
Published on February 21, 2018
For as long as I can remember I’ve always had a Studio Altar in one form or another. There’s something really satisfying about arranging objects together that have meaning, intention, and love behind them.
I not only have an altar in my studio, but you can find little vignettes set up throughout my whole entire home. Phoenix and I share a “nature table” as we call it, where we place natural objects, pieces of art, and photographs on it that represent the current season we are in.
My Studio Altar changes every time I am about to open up registration for a new program or event. I use my Studio Altar as both a way of setting an intention and calling in the energy I wish for my program to possess. But what I’ve found over the years is that the objects on my Studio Altar begin to reveal their symbolism more clearly as the program unfolds — that’s the magic that I love and have grown to depend upon with this practice.
Below I share with you a video that shows an intimate peek at my most recent Studio Altar that I created for Painting The Feminine that begins Monday, March 12th.
Many of the objects on this altar were chosen intuitively without much thought or reasoning placed behind their meaning. Some of the objects, such as the rattle that you will see in the video, was chosen intentionally. Much like a rattle has the ability to break up energy, in Painting The Feminine we use painting as a way of breaking up our own energetic areas where we feel creatively stuck, frozen, or paralyzed.
One of the reasons I love having a Studio Altar is because it is a daily reminder for me to connect with my own Feminine Wisdom. Feminine Wisdom speaks to us in symbols, beauty, and through the practice of tending to the little things in life…like an altar or nature table or daily painting practice.
I hope that this video inspires you to welcome in a little Studio Altar magic into your own creative practice. The great thing is that you can use anything you have already at hand — there’s no need to run out and spend money. You can drape a cloth over a chair or a tv tray table. Make room on a shelf. Or create an altar simply using a cardboard box.
The key is to make it beautiful and meaningful to you, that’s what matters most!
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Also, I am extending the Early Bird Discount on Painting The Feminine until Monday, February 26th — so hit the button below to learn more and come join us!
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