Painting The Feminine Early Bird Registration Is Now Open!

PTF Spring 2018


As I shared in my last blog post I wrote in Oaxaca, Mexico — I decided to take a little break from my 101 Word Paintings to explore creating a new body of work inspired by Oaxaca.

What started out as a robust family of six pieces, soon chiseled down to simply two.

These sweet mamas…

I can’t tell you how happy these two paintings make me and I certainly wouldn’t know where to begin to explain the incredible healing and insight they prompted for me as well.

But what I can express is what an incredible reminder they were that the creative process is NOT linear.

For me, art is always a journey of the heart.

And unlike the mind whose job is to connect the dots, the heart loves to spiral in and out, dip and curl, sink and float — there’s no real logic to it’s beautiful madness.

But there are clues and whispers and ways of understanding the heart that painting lends itself to easily.

That’s why I paint — to stay rooted in my heart space and connected to my Feminine Wisdom. This power has never swayed me wrong and my life is built upon the guidance I receive from my daily creative practice. Everything I do goes through the filter of my brush — from life decisions, to parenting, to how I run my business.

I call this highway from heart to brush: Painting The Feminine and in 2013 I created an online eCourse around my own Painting The Feminine journey that I have been offering each Spring and Fall ever since.

In Painting The Feminine we explore the mystical and practical worlds of painting by unveiling stories of Feminine Wisdom through art journaling, painting on canvas, and cultivating a daily art practice.

Painting The Feminine Spring 2018 begins on Monday, March 12th and I am refreshing this program with all new Friday Studio videos — it’s going to be so much fun!

Early Bird Registration is now open — and ends at 9:30pm PST on Wednesday. If you sign up between now and then you’ll save $20 — and yes — there is a payment plan too.

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