Registration for 21 SECRETS Just Add Water Closes Sunday Night

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One of the perks of being the host of 21 SECRETS is that I receive a premier screening of all the workshops before they ever launch. And I must tell you that there’s something electric about our new 21 SECRETS Summer Studio program!

I believe it’s because the daily lessons are condescend into three short videos totaling no more than 35 minutes top. Each talented teacher crafted a masterpiece that includes an introduction, instruction, and ends with a reflection to help you examine what you created through an artist lens and tips to propel you further on your own.

When it comes to making art, why wait around — right? That’s why when you sign up for one or both of the Summer Studios you automatically receive my workshop(s) after you finalize your registration. Fun! Fun!

We totally get how busy the Summer season is and that’s why we designed the Summer Studios to slip like butter on warm corn into your daily life. Plus, we also know that not everyone will be able to honor a daily practice so when the 10 days come to a close you’ll receive a gorgeous downloadable eBook of all the lessons for you to keep and refer back to again and again and again!

Registration for 21 SECRETS Just Add Water closes Sunday, July 8th.

All the fun and learning in 21 SECRETS Just Add Water starts Monday.

I’d love to see you there!

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