This Is A BIG Weekend!


I believe with all my heart that retreats are an important part of an artist’s sanity and power. We need time away from our daily routines and responsibilities to dig deep into our own creative wells or to simply fill them back up again.

That’s why I’m beyond delighted to be part of Galia Alena’s FREE Online Creative Retreat happening tomorrow July 6th and Sunday, July 7th.

The Online Creative Retreat features lessons from 27 inspiring and talented teachers and I’m honored to say I’m one of them! (Can I get a wa-hooo!!!)

In the FREE retreat I’m teaching a little diddy called Talking To Trees where we grab our sketchbook and a yummy black marker and “draw” wisdom from the trees in our own backyard and neighborhood. Then, to make it extra juicy I show you how to add colored Tombow markers to the mix while back in the studio.

For as long as I can remember trees have played a huge part in my own life’s journey. I turn to them like a wise council any time I need guidance or clarity and I am always struck with awe by the nuggets of insight they deliver so kindly. This practice of connecting with trees through art is what I’m hoping you will walk away with in both Talking to Trees in the FREE creative retreat and in Talking To Trees 2 in Galia’s year-long eCourse called Make, Create, Express.

In Talking To Trees 2 we use our sketches as the portal into a FEARLESS® Painting adventure. In this workshop I guide you through creating a diptych that will use our intuition and imagination to create a deeper connection to ourselves and the wisdom that is always available to us through Mother Nature.

I had so much fun creating these workshops and I think you will have fun painting along with me as well.

This is also a big weekend because Sunday, July 7th is the last and final day to register for 21 SECRETS Playful Experiments and join us live for the 10 day Summer Studio!

Last year we ran the first Summer Studio and it was such a huge hit of fun and creativity that we decided to do it again this year! I can’t believe that things finally get cooking on Monday.

What makes the Summer Studios so special and different from our usual 21 SECRETS editions is that each Summer Studio consists of 11 lessons. The first lesson, mine, you receive immediately after you register.

For 21 SECRETS Playful Experiments I created a lesson called Random Bits of Pattern that is hugely inspired by my love of all those wheatpasted black-and-white woodcut posters you see on the walls in Oaxaca City. We literally create our own pattern sheets (or you can use one of mine that I provide as well) that we use to spark our intuition in creating bold, patterned ink drawings.

What also makes this program super sweet is that each lesson consists of only 3 videos: introduction, instruction, and further inspiration. Our whole intention is to help YOU stay connected to your creative practice during this hectic, busy season.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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