21 SECRETS Summer Studio 2018 Suggested Supplies
Below you will find a list of all the supplies each teacher is using in their workshop. Please don't let this list intimidate or overwhelm you. As always, you are encouraged to create with what you have on hand.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the Summer Studio Facebook groups.
Happy Art Journaling!

- just add water -
Connie Solera :: OIL & WATER
oil pastels in black and white
paint brushes
paint rag
acrylic paints
collage materials
Cynthia Morris :: Garden of Values
list of your top values
watercolor brush or waterbrush
watercolor paints, gouache or any water media of your choice
watercolor paper, 5” x 7” (13cm x 18cm) or 8” x 11” (22cm x 28cm)
waterproof pens
calligraphy pens
Evan Leah Quinn :: Saturation and Flow with Ink and Watercolor
acrylic ink, a few colors (Liquitex or Daler Rowney FW)
AND/OR concentrated watercolor (I use Dr. Ph Martin’s Hydrus and Radiant)
paintbrushes, 2 large round
paper towels
water containers, 2
watercolor paper, 300gsm (I prefer cold press)
water spray bottle
Faith Evans-Sills :: Tide Pools: Exploring layered shapes while working with contrast and added details.
acrylic paint pens, 3 or 4
fine-point permanent black marker or ball point pen
rag to dry brushes
water jar
watercolor set with lots of colors
watercolor brushes, approx 1” flat (3cm), a couple (I prefer sable brushes)
watercolor paper (my favorite are Arches cold pressed watercolor pads)
Gina Lee Kim :: Watercolor Monoprinting: An Innovative Way to Draw, Paint and Print
acrylic paint, neon colors preferred as well as black
collage papers (e.g. origami, scrapbook, wrapping paper, book pages), variety
colored pencils (any color, the larger the better)
brayer, small
glue stick
Grafix Inking Palette (or any thick acetate or plastic surface; Plexiglass will work too)
water-soluble block printing ink, black (I use Blick brand)
Japanese Masa Paper, cut to size (Blick sells them in sheets of 21" × 31” [53cm x 78cm])
palette knife
water spray bottle
watercolor/synthetic brushes, a variety of sizes
watercolors, basic set, any type
black brush pen
sewing machine (straight stitch mode)
Gina Rossi Armfield :: Watercolor—Fast and Fun
watercolor brush, round #6 or #8
watercolor set
waterproof ink pen
Julie Comstock :: Blossom in the Borders
art journal (mixed-media paper or watercolor paper)
color pigment (optional)
craft knife
painter’s tape
paper towels
water container
watercolors (specific colors and type, up to you), at least three colors adjacent on the color wheel, i.e., red, orange, yellow, or blue, violet, red, etc.; also a color or two for leaves.
paint palette (a large plastic lid, such as from a gallon of ice cream, works too!)
watercolor brushes: medium round (I prefer a synthetic for beginners and on mixed-media paper), medium mop and waterbrush (inexpensive)
Kathy Glynn :: Be the Star of Your Own Show!
paper towels
straight pen holder with Nikko G nib
metallic watercolors, silver and gold (I prefer Sterling Silver and Inca Gold from the Fintec gold set)
water jar
watercolor brushes, #14 and #6 (I prefer #14 Silver Black Velvet and #6 Dick Blick Kolinsky Sable)
watercolors, dark blue and violet (I prefer Daniel Smith Indigo and Permenant Violet)
watercolor paper (I prefer Fabriano 140lb. [300gsm] hot press), 8” x 8” (20cm x 20cm)
dappen dish
layout paper, Canson Pro Marker
HP Laserjet paper, 32lb. (45gsm) or metallic marker
Kristin Bunker :: Flowing Florals - Going with the “flow” while painting beautiful flowers!
colored pencils
rag or paper towel
water jar
watercolor brushes, 3 round (small/medium/large—whichever size you prefer)
watercolor paint of your choice
watercolor sketchbook/paper
watercolor varnish (optional)
Mou Saha :: Wash, Dapple ‘n Roll!
For Technique
baby wipe
craft mat (to protect work surface)
paint palette
watercolor paints
paintbrushes, ¾” (19mm) or 1” (2.5cm) flat, # 6 round
paper towel
salt shaker and bowl
scrub brush or designated tooth brush for clearing salt
water cup
watercolor paper pad, 9” x 12” (23cm x 31cm), (I prefer 140 lb. [300gsm] cold press by Canson)
For Art Journaling Page
coloring book page
acrylic soft gel medium, matte
silicone spatula (for applying medium)
paintbrush, # 2 round
PITT Artist Pens by Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft, an assortment
Tanyalee Kahler :: Intuitive Art with Watercolor
acrylic ink, colors you like
art journal or watercolor paper
watercolor pan set
water mister
dip pen
gel pen, white (I use Gelly Roll)
ink, black (water-soluble is fine)
paper towel
water-soluble-soluble crayons (I use Neocolor II)
waterbrushes brushes, primarily a medium size, but a small and large are good to have, too

- The great outdoors -
Annamieka Hopps Davidson :: Lush Foliage: Botanical Layering with Paper and Acrylic Paint
acrylic paint, whatever colors you have on hand
acrylic paintbrushes, your favorite sizes
art journal (or other substrate)
index cards, small stack, unlined (or similar paper stock cut to approx. index-card size)
masking tape
paint palette
painting rag or paper towels
plants, live pickings you've collected from your environment
water jar
Annie O’Brien Gonzales :: Patterns and Colors in the Garden
collage papers, assorted
glue stick
journal or sketchbook
Connie Solera :: For The Love Of Pods
collage materials (preferably in bold BW graphics)
black and white oil pastel
water soluble graphite (I love the Art Graf)
acrylic paint in black, white, and gray
something to scrape paint with
paint rag
Jamie Ridler :: Me, The Moon and Music
acrylic brush, one larger (flat)
acrylic paints in night-sky colors, 1–3
art journal page or piece of watercolor or mixed-media paper (140 lb)
crayon or oil pastel, white
Uniball Signo pen, white (or other white pen that will write on paint)
device for listening to music
scraping tool (e.g. a bone folder or a paperclip)
watercolors, moon-like colors
watercolor brushes: one relatively large (for wash) and one smaller (flat or round)
Jana Bodin :: Painted Herbarium
fine liner or any fine writing utensil
paper towel or rag to wipe/clean brushes
plant you like— a single simple stem or just a part of the plant such as a leaf, petal or seed pod
water jar
watercolor brushes, round tip, sizes 6 or 4
watercolor paper (I prefer 140 lb. [300gsm] cold press by Strathmore or Canson), 8” x 10” (20cm x 25cm) or 9” x 12” (23cm x 31cm)
watercolors (any kind/brand—include some green if you wish to paint green plants)
journal with sturdy pages to handle a light wash of watercolor
pencil (HB, 2B) or watercolor pencil in light color
watercolor brush, size 0 or 2
Laly Mille :: The Poetic Botanist
acrylic gel medium, matte
book pages, a few (preferably from books that inspire you; I’m using a poetry book)
brush, flat
pens and pencils, a variety to doodle with
plastic card or bone folder
printed botanical images*, water-resistant, a few (neutral tones or colorful or black and white)
rag or paper towel
sponge, small
"watercolor" materials, your choice (watercolors, Pitt Artist Pens, Neocolor II, watersoluble wax pastels or simply acrylic paint or ink thinned down with water)
white gesso
*It’s important your images be resistant to water. Laser prints/photocopies work really well, as well as images from books and magazines. If your inkjet printer uses pigment-based inks, it will work, but don't use images printed with regular inkjet printer ink, as they will not transfer properly.
Laurie Blackwell :: A Bird’s-Eye View - Gaining Altitude in Your Art Journal
journal (I’m using a watercolor travel journal)
permanent pen (such as Micron or Pitt Artist Pen)
watercolor kit, small
Louise Gale :: Botanical Beauty: Art Journal Page with Louise Gale
acrylic inks, colors you enjoy
acrylic matte medium
art journal
collage papers, variety
dip pen
flower (I’m using an African Daisy)
gesso, white
permanent fine-point pen (I’m using a Pigma Micron 02)
rag or paper towels
walnut drawing ink
water jar
watercolor paintbrushes, one small, one medium
watercolor palette
watercolors (I use Winsor & Newton)
brush for gesso and matte medium (I use my fingers)
macro lens for your camera (I use a clip-on version for my phone camera)
pencil (for drawing your flower; I just use pen)
Melanie April :: Many Moons
paper towels
water jar
watercolor brushes, your favorite sizes
watercolors, any brand (I prefer the Classics Palette from Prima Marketing)
white paint or white gel pen
Tari Goerlitz :: Imaginary Landscape
acrylic paint
alphabet stencils or alphabet stamps
colored pencils or pens
printed selfies, an assortment
scrap paper or Mylar for a mask
scraper and/or brushes
Tonia Jenny :: Curious Cairns
art journal or watercolor paper
waterbrush or water container and round watercolor brush
watercolor paints
camera phone or previously-taken photos of a favorite landscape or piece of nature
color-picker swatches app such as Color Viewfinder or Swatches