The Next Phase Of Dirty Footprints Studio


Snippets from Total Alignment 2012 in Sedona.

A little over two years ago I quit my job to pour my heart 100% fully into Dirty Footprints Studio.

When I did, I was only hosting my first tribe of FEARLESS Painters through BIG and I had a little over a hundred participants in my Art Journal LOVE Letters workshop.  That’s it.

Since then, I replaced Art Journal LOVE Letters with 21 SECRETS, added DEEP, Total Alignment, IGNITE–and hosted my Total Alignment retreat in Sedona now twice.

Plus I do other things that I don’t advertise here–like mentoring Artists and selling FEARLESS Painting commissions.  And let’s not forget as well that I gave birth to my greatest work of all: Phoenix.

All of this in little over two years.

The thing is that I love what I do.  I mean, I really, really love what I do.  There is nothing else I’m suppose to be doing, this I know for sure.

And I do it because I believe in the FEARLESS Painting Process and love teaching with all my heart–it’s what fuels my creativity–it’s what keeps me inspired and looking at life in different fresh perspectives always.  And most especially the two things have helped me create a community of kindred Souls that I am so proud and blessed to be a part of.  I feel together we are bringing change to this world in such a powerful way.

But there’s a but…

But it’s gotten to be too much for one woman to handle.

As Dirty Footprints Studio has grown, so has my vision for FEARLESS Painting.  There are more things I want to explore and understand and offer the world through this process–but I finally came to the realization that I can’t do it all alone anymore.  I need help.

All night coaching session with the beautiful incredible SELINA BARKER!

So first, a couple months ago, I finally reached out and hired a creative assistant–someone to help me make my ideas come to life–instead of feeling bogged down by every detail–or having to do everything myself.  The best part too is that she’s one of my beloved FEARLESS Painters!! And she’s flying in this weekend for a weekend of planning and dreaming and of course FEARLESS Painting!!

Second, last week I pulled an all nighter with my sweet friend, fellow FEARLESS Painter, and amazing business coach Selina Barker.  She came to stay with us for a few days–and we bartered business coaching for FEARLESS Painting guidance.  What a deal!! And Selina totally rocked my world!! She helped me make sense of all the ideas, projects, and dreams I have swirling in my head and in my business–and helped me create a more concrete plan on how to manage it all in a more structured way so I can go back to doing the things that really make me sing–that I absolutely love.  You know–FEARLESS Painting and teaching!!

And third, this past Friday I met with my amazing designer to finally begin working on the new Dirty Footprints Studio site.  It’s time.  Time to give FEARLESS Painting an online home that fully embodies my vision as well as represents the community that I joyfully serve: FEARLESS Painters.

Painting FEARLESS Collaboration!

And you want to know what is so surprising?

All of this has really pushed me to my edge.  It has brought up resistance and fear and my own insecurities around lots of stuff.  Stuff I didn’t even know was there.

But then I step back.  I breathe.  I listen.  And most of all I remember.  Remember why I quit my job in the first place.  Remember what’s at the core of the work I do–and that’s my deep connection to Creative Source.

The truth is that I’m only the vessel.  This work comes through me.  It’s really not mine.  And I had to face it that this vessel can’t contain it all anymore–it’s time for me to begin to share the honor of hosting it with others.  Others that can serve it with the same respect and love as I do–and who can bring their own special gifts to the expression as well.

So that’s what I’m doing.  I’m opening up the door to new beginnings with Dirty Footprints Studio.  I’m letting go of old ways that obviously no longer serve me.  And I’m being curious about what others can bring to this vision.

And on the last day of Total Alignment, as we all sat in circle, I swallowed my fear and stated to my FEARLESS Painters my new vision for Dirty Footprints Studio.  That I’m ready to allow Dirty Footprints Studio to grow–and grow in ways that it can make it possible that other FEARLESS Painters can choose a creative live as a career option for themselves.  That FEARLESS Painting can help them create their own creative lives of their dreams.

No, I’m not going to become some kind of business coach or start preaching to you on how to live your life.  I’m just going to keep doing what I do best–FEARLESS Painting and teaching–while manifesting opportunities for my FEARLESS Painters to help carry out the mission that I believe FEARLESS Painting is all about:  awakening FEARLESS creativity, inspiring unique expression, and guiding women to ruthlessly trust in their innate wisdom.

I know it works, because this is exactly what I do.  What has brought me so far in such a short time.

So as I journey into this next phase of Dirty Footprints Studio, I’m eager to share more with you–my readers and FEARLESS Painters–to awaken, inspire, and guide you deeper into your own truth too.

Thank you so much for this gift–the gift to share myself with you.

I am humbled.  Blessed.  And truly grateful.

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