My Elephant Goddess


After I finished these two paintings on retreat.
After I released a lot of fear and pain.
After I performed an exorcism with my paintbrush.

This elephant goddess appeared to me in a very humble and touching way.

She’s big, with a belly and saggy breasts.

She’s naked and bare–but minus the vulnerability that was so present and aching in my first two paintings.

She’s bowing in honor.
She brings an offering and a message.
She showers fruit from her crown.

She’s solid.  She’s strong.  She’s soft.  She’s new life.

She was waiting for me outside the gates of the Underworld.
(But I think she was really there with me all the time.)

She’s my guide.  My angel.  My ally.

And now she stands patiently in my studio–as I gently finish her and discover the magic she is here to deliver.

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