FEARLESS Painting For Art Journaling


I am very excited to share a free FEARLESS® Painting For Art Journaling workshop with my beautiful readers of Dirty Footprints Studio.  This workshop was originally a part of Life Book 2012, hosted by Tam Laporte.  But now it is yours free here on Dirty Footprints Studio.

In this two video  + one PDF workshop I share with you a lighthearted way to incorporate the FEARLESS® Painting Process into your art journal while also diving into a simple, but extremely powerful, breathing technique I practice to access my heart center any time I encounter fear in my creative process or those challenging life circumstances.

The beauty of the FEARLESS® Painting Process is that you don’t have to resurrect any traumatic memories or poke at difficult feelings to prompt healing.  Plus no special skills or prior knowledge is required to access your heart center.  All you need is the willingness to trust the process and to give it a try!!

Please use this workshop as simply a guide and not a set of rules that you must abide to.  FEARLESS® Painting is meant to tap into that inner wisdom we all possess–the inner wisdom that communicates to us through subtle feelings and not words or heavy concepts.  So when you find yourself over thinking things–or slipping into a pattern of negative self talk–please forgive yourself by simply returning to the paintbrush.

I’ve found that some of the best and most profound healing happens when I simply let myself experience joy.  It is my deepest wish to help facilitate a little FEARLESS® Painting joy in your life with this simple workshop. Wishing you great joy and transformation!

Please click HERE for your downloadable PDF and enjoy the following videos.


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[vc_video link=’http://player.vimeo.com/video/64121185′]


Happy Art Journaling!


Another Dirty Footprints Studio FREE workshop…

Total Alignment is a FREE online FEARLESS® Painting workshop that helps creative souls align their heart-mind-bodies with their creative source through FEARLESS® Painting and yoga.  If you are feeling stuck or out of alignment with your creativity–this free workshop will give you a loving nudge back! You can find it HERE.

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