Dear FEARLESS® Painter,

Thank you for registering for Painting The Feminine.  I can’t wait to start off 2014 painting together!

On Sunday, January 5th I will email you information on how to join me in our first Spreecast on Monday, January 6th at 3:00 pm PST / 6:00 pm EST and also information on how to join me in the Facebook classroom.  

I will use the Pay Pal email address that you used to purchase Painting The Feminine for all the email correspondences.  If you prefer that I use a different email address, please email Shirlene, the Dirty Footprints Studio manager.  She will be happy to assist you.

Also, please be sure to download the document HERE that lists details about Painting The Feminine, including the supply list.

Wishing you and your family a beautiful New Year!  

BIG Hugs,
Join The Paint Wisdom Newsletter!

My weekly newsletter is filled with studio updates,
announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.

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