Nothing’s Going On!!!

The picture above is the breakfast I’ve been eating since I got back from CA. It is completely inspired by the Zen Breakfast I ordered at the Mission Cafe in San Diego—lightly grilled zucchini, brown rice, and braised tofu. Plus, the juice I made myself in the juicer with a couple oranges, peaches, and ginger. Now, nobody can argue with me that this isn’t a healthy breakfast! A little unconventional, but I have never been a big fan for overly sweet dishes of pancakes and syrup. The best part of this breakfast too is that I leisurely ate it on my patio while reading my newest book: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, all while my darling dog Nyla sat at my foot watching the world go by.
Dreamy, I know.
I am fully enjoying a contrast in my life. I am the type of person that must be always doing something. Even when I am sitting still meditating, it itself is like I’m doing something. But I’m giving myself this time for awhile to just do nothing. And if I do do something, its because the notion caught my fancy and my spirit moved that way. We all deserve days of no plans, no lists, no intentions.
I don’t want to paint, I don’t want to do all the wonderful things I told myself I’d start doing once vacation came around. And you know what, it’s damn ok! Its more than ok–it’s fabulous!
So tomorrow I’ll be stepping on a plane that will take me to Cleveland, Ohio. I will be back late Monday night. I was born there, and my Mom and brother still live there. I plan to surprise them with my visit, and catch up with old friends. I haven’t been back there in over a year. It’s kind of weird–to visit a past life. But when I get back, I plan to get busy–making art, sharing art and ideas, and possibly even making an art video or two!
Peace & Love.
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