What Saddens My Pink Juicy Heart

Today I finished up my Pink Juicy Heart ACEO’s and have been posting them on Etsy this afternoon. They’re perfect for meditation–to remind you to visualize your own pink juicy heart!

This morning I read SuziBlu’s upsetting post. It really saddens me when you see friendship end in such a messy fashion, but furthermore, it really hurts to see people that spread suffering to others as if it was part of a game or even a competition. I don’t get it. Especially in the media, we see so often women against women. I absolutely adhore that reality show The Bachelor. I hate seeing women conniving and fighting each other over the “love” of a man. Where would we women be without the strength and encouragement of other women?

My heart is with you Ms. SuziBlu. My pink juicy heart has enough strength to share.

Peace & Love.

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