Inspiration Serum

Man, this is my third post in one day. I am bored. Restless. Cabin fever. Hansel is at work. My friends are all out of town. And my hamstring is still keeping me from doing any real physical activity. So, what do I do? The thing I always do in times like this…..power juice! I’m telling you, I should be on those info-mercials with Jack LaLanne, because I am the princess of juicing!

(Bye Bye Yummy Fruit!!!)

(Hello Delicious Juice!!)

But by looking into my bowl of fresh juice is when I get inspired….

So I drink my juice…see not only nutritious but sexy!

Then I pull out one of my canvases from my closet—Part of my collection of paintings I plan to paint over…and that’s what I do. I begin with the gesso.

And finish with this. Somewhere… I kind of like it.

So like Val at Val’s Art Diary says “Eat your cookies!” I say “Drink your juice!!”

Peace & Love.

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