A Perfect Ending

Develop the type of personality that feels you are endlessly exploring new mystic secrets. Do not become too content with what you have accomplished in Yoga. Do not become complacent by developing the idea that you have practiced a lot of meditation and have developed wonderful qualities and have studied the scriptures. Never think that you have done all that is to be done on the spiritual path. This is a great error.
-Swami Jyotirmayananda

Today Hansel and I went somewhere we have never been before in Arizona: Prescott. We don’t know much about it either, but we got online this morning and found a few trails to start our exploration. The last place we went hiking was Sedona back in late May–or was it early June? I can’t remember it feels like years ago. Usually our summer is packed with hiking and camping trips, but this year was different.
I feel like I’ve had to start from the beginning again. Not too sure what my hamstring can or can’t handle…and I have been pushing it quite a bit lately too.
But I long for this. I need this. I am at my most peace when I am hiking. I am at my most confidant when I am climbing. I am at my most balanced when I am completely engulfed by nature. Hiking and mountain climbing is just something I do. Like Yoga, writing, Art.
It was a beautiful day for sure. The weather was perfect with a soft breeze singing and there were dragon flies everywhere (they’re here in AZ too Sandy!!). Hansel and I hiked about six miles together, laughing or walking quietly the entire time.

What a perfect ending…to a perfect weekend.
(All photos taken by my wonderful HANSEL)
Peace & Love.
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