Help!!! Which One Do I Choose???!?!?!?!

I’m going to a Halloween Party tonight….and…well…..all I have are these wigs…and I’m not sure which one I should wear? I need your help!!! (Disclaimer…I have NO make-up on…so I look kind of sickly and I was trying to be all America’s Next Top Model with the camera!!)

This one is really cute…but it is a little Ronald McDonaldy!! Not the greatest look for a Vegetarian!!! But I could pull it off with the right outfit!


I’m leaning towards this one…total ROCK STAR look!!!

Oh…I like this one too…it’s cute…but it almost looks like it could be my own hair.
You got to agree with me here, this one makes me look like a drag queen. NOway with this one!

Peace & Love.

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