Let It Go

live life free – original fine art photograph by vaeda
Just a couple days ago my favorite Yoga teacher gave a great little talk before our physical practice of Yoga began. She talked about how many of us are thinking and writing lists already for our New Year’s resolutions–even Yogis do it too! But she made a great point…one that I keep pondering on. Instead of focusing on the things we need to do—how about putting some attention on those things we need to let go off…change is going to happen…but what about letting go of those things that do not serve us anymore–instead of looking for new things to add to our already busy lives. Are there routines you do that have lost their necessity in your life, but its just something you always do? Are those routines taking away from time or energy you could be doing something more productive–or something more aligned with your heart and dreams? If so, LET THEM GO this new year! Are there habits that you do without thinking that are not serving you anymore–physically, spiritually, mentally, in your relationships even? LET THEM GO this new year!! How about traditions or rituals–have they lost meaning for you? Why not take the time to reevaluate what those traditions or rituals are in your life–is the meaning that was initially there in the beginning lost? Is it time to LET IT GO and reinvent it or start a new tradition or ritual? Or maybe letting go could be something as simple as cleaning out your closets and cupboards. LET IT GO this new year!!!
Peace & Love.
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