

A moment in the Dirty Footprints Studio.

Lately I have been dripping with creativity. Even during my morning run I’m working through ideas in my head…creating paintings with my mind as my legs keep pumping! Evening will come and the ache in my head and stomach will become unbearable, reminding me that I have forgotten to eat all day. Something so not like me.

And today we have plans to go hiking in Sedona with friends. It is taking great mental force for me to get motivated to go…because I much rather be here swooning my paintbrushes or dancing with one of my creative projects I got brewing!

Though woman can not live on Art alone.

We’ve all heard it before…balance is key.

But when you find yourself in a place, that is so delicious, so full of excitement, so energized with the truth of who you are that you just don’t want to step away for one second…remind yourself to be grateful. This is what abundance feels like. This is that lemon wedge of bliss sitting on the glass of lemonade..that is so beautifully your life.

Peace & Love.

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