Chris Zydel…A Creative Juicy Life


Chris Zydel has an amazing studio called Creative Juices Arts where she helps others get their Creative Juicy Life kicked into gear! Seems only appropriate that she be a guest on my internet radio show Creative Juicy Life!!! This Monday, July 27th, at 2:00 PM EST there is going to be so much creative juiciness flowing over HERE that you better get buckets to catch it all!!!

Chris states on her Creative Juices Arts website: We are all naturally creative, and we all have a creative gift that is authentically ours, wanting to be expressed.

Even though this is true and appears quite simple, the one main obstacle that keeps individuals from tapping into their own creativity is fear. Monday, Chris and I will be discussing the various ways fear disguises itself and keeps us blocked from living our true Creative Juicy Life. We plan to put on our finest of super-heroine-fear-busting costumes on and use our creative super powers to help you bust through your own fears and start living that Creative Juicy Life you are itching to express.

I hope you will join us in a discussion that will be packed with nutritious creative juiciness and certainly tons of laughter and fun!! You can listen live HERE and even call in with your questions and/or comments by dialing 646.727.3034 during the show! I look forward to you joining us!

Now go check out Chris’s wonderful site: Creative Juices Arts.

Listen to Dirty Footprintson Blog Talk Radio

Peace & Love.

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