Spreading The Love

Are You Ready To IGNITE Your Creative Vision To Life?

This summer I met a cool chica on Twitter named @melhocking.

I right away liked her.

So I started calling her Mel.

Mel writes a blog called Melly Hocking.

There she shares her reflections on life–

and lots of other nuggets of goodness.

She even has started a Sunday interview series

where she asks love cats out in the bloggy world

to share their story–

and a photo.

I was tickled.

Yes, tickled—

when Mel asked Hansel & I to share our love journey.

So that’s what we did.


You can check it out HERE.

But I’ll warn ya,

It gets a little silly (that’s us!).

And a tad bit strange (that’s us too!).

But we made a point to be honest

…and in love, isn’t that what you always want?

Thank you Mel.

You’re definitely one cool chica.

Peace & Love.

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