Wreck This Interview!!!


To see more of Genie Sea’s Art visit her Flickr gallery HERE.

Even in the Creative Juicy Life there is going to be some times things don’t go the way you planned.  Key is to keep on being Juicy and rely on your Creativity to get you through.  Thirty seconds before my show was to air today I finally got the Internet back up and running in the Dirty Footprints Studio…then a few times through our lovely conversation on LIVING A CREATIVE JUICY LIFE, Genie Sea and I ran into technical glitches kicking her off air!  But no fear!!!  This conversation was still full of nutritious Creative Juice for your soul!!  I thank Genie Sea of the oh so pretty in pink blog:  Reality Insanity for sharing her awesomeness with us, and for showing how one’s whole life can actually be a Creative Juicy Life!! Fabulous!

You are one cool chica.

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