One Cool Chica: Mati Rose McDonough

Are You Ready To IGNITE Your Creative Vision To Life?

Elephant Stampede

Sometimes I feel like I’m the last too know!! How did I NOT know about the amazing, wonderful Artist Mati Rose? How did I miss this cool chica? She’s BFF with the wonderful Kelly Rae Roberts…a blog I frequent often…so how did I miss Mati Rose’s work until just recently?

I’m sorry Mati….now that I’ve found you…I’m gonna love you forever!!!


All of these paintings can be found on her website HERE. Even though they were done in 2007–I don’t care. They completely rock. I adore the juicy colors, the great imagery, and the playfulness of each piece.

Diametrically Opposed

Mati keeps a blog on her Creative Juicy Life right HERE. It’s full of little tid-bits from her life of painting and getting her work out there in shows.


Last you can find more of Mati Rose’s most recent Art work at her Etsy shop HERE. I love her new stuff just as well…but these paintings…well..I think I’m going to have to make one of them mine very soon!!!
Mati Rose McDonough you are one cool chica!

Peace & Love.

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