Can’t Sleep
Published on October 17, 2009
It took me all day…but I finally made it to my destination in New Hampshire.
I hear where I’m staying is beautiful… but all I’ve seen is the greatest navy blue night sky…and stars.
Lots and lots of stars.
If this is what I know of New Hampshire…
then I’m completely satisfied.
I sat in two airports today…people watching at its finest.
Doodled while we taxied.
And now I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s the time difference.
Maybe because the beauty of the evening,
being with an old friend,
the energy of love all around me….
makes me miss my honey,
who would fall in love with the view from this angle of the country.
Traveling always reminds me how life is such an adventure.
How brave we are…when we decide to fly.
Peace & Love.
…now back to my bloggy break….
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