One Page At A Time


Journal writing is an important part of my life. When I neglect the practice, things get a bit off balanced and my mind will have tendencies to spin like a break dancer from the eighties!

I tend to write in either expensive, leather bound, beautiful journals that you can buy at a book store…or just your ol’ $1.99 hard cover composition book you can pick up at the CVS down the street! Usually, the journal I choose mirrors the new journey I feel I am embarking on. Sometimes I’ll be writing for awhile in one journal, then switch out of nowhere. It’s like my life has made a detour–a need for a new start—and I desire a new space to navigate from as well.

That’s how I feel now. And, I’m not feeling expensive, leather bound, full of pristine loveliness for this new leg of my Creative Juicy journey either….I want something way more personal–more intimate to my heart, more rugged and ready to be loved. So I picked up a cheapy purple composition book last night and I covered it in tissue paper, the art piece from my work desk calendar that I spoke about HERE, and a title from an article I found in one of my old Yoga Journal magazines.

Now, we’re good. Me and my journal are ready to take on the world. One page at a time.

PS The Dirty Footprints Studio newsletter is coming out this week!! I’m even including one of the most yummiest, delicious, not-so-good-for-you-but-who-cares, Thanksgiving side dish recipes that will make your friends and family love you 100 times more!! So sign up! It’s free and is guaranteed to make you more Creative Juicy! Go HERE to learn more.

Peace & Love.

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