Paint Connie…..Paint
Published on December 17, 2009
I took four wood panels already covered with a lovely background of color and texture.
I picked up my brush and started to paint in a rapid, quick, messy fashion.
The panels started to take form—started to look like abstracts I’ve created before.
Started to look like abstract paintings I’ve seen others do.
Started to look forced and simply a boring mess.
I’ll be honest, they started to look like shit.
And I sat in the middle of my studio, on my red rug, wondering where did the magic go.
Started to wonder what’s the point–who gives a damn about painting anyways.
What a waste of time and money.
Then this song by Norah Jones came on my pandora station.
I thought back to days in San Diego.
Hansel and I holding hands walking along the shore.
I could feel the salt in the air. I could see the glow of the city by my side.
I remembered how Norah Jones always plays on the radio in San Diego when I’m there….
I remembered the mushroom risotto I always eat when I visit, and the tiny hotel room we adore.
I love how everything is slower in memories.
I love that feeling of longing mixed with sweetness.
I love how you can be somewhere again, for just a moment.
And that’s all it took–a song and a memory.
And I felt at peace.
I picked up my brush.
I focused on one panel, and I painted what sat in front of me.
I was looking for answers, you see….when I started.
And after the storm of my emotions settled,
All it took was to find beauty in the simplest things sitting in front of me.
Paint Connie….paint.
Peace & Love.
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