Published on March 1, 2010
Let me hear a woo-hoo!! We made it through February!! Now onto March!! And–I had a great February and I’m totally excited about March!! Here are some things I’m super excited and happy about!! Do you have anything you’re happy or excited about as well? I’d LOVE to hear about it–leave me the good news in a comment!
I’m swooning over my new bed stand journal!! Yep–I keep a tiny journal on my bed stand with a pen–because many times I get my best ideas laying in bed right before I sleep. My last bed stand journal was from the amazing Miz Katie–and now, I just purchased this sweet little journal from the incredible and amazing Amanda from Persistant Green. This journal feels great, looks beautiful, and the craftsmanship is fantastic. Her work is so affordable–everyone should have a little Persistent Green of their own. Go HERE to her Etsy shop and tell her I sent you!
Lookie! Lookie!! Lookie!!! I have my very own Leah Piken Kolidas print!!! When I saw her totally Creative Juicy painting on Creative Every Day a few weeks ago–I was blown away. It spoke to me…I felt like it was made for me…so my dear friend hooked me up!! AND–you know what else I’m super excited about?!?! Leah announced that the Creative Every Day challenge this month is “stories“……my mind has been brewing ever since I heard–and I’m planning on diving head first into my creativity to express the stories in my heart that are ready to surface.
AAANNND!!! Miss Leah is going to be in AZ this week on a little vacay and we will be meeting for some dinner!! I can’t wait!! I hope she lets me put her in one of my videos!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!
I am so in LOVE with the Art Journaling Ning group. This group is full of Creative Juicy inspiring Artists who have reached out in numerous ways. For March, there is an Art Journaling challenge happening with a new prompt issued every day. This is a great way to be inspired and if you are new to Art Journaling a great way to get your feet wet while being part of a supportive, talented community of Artists. YOU HAVE TO JOIN!! So much fun!! Click the button above to get started!
Last, but far from least!! I will be going to the Painting from the Wild Heart Retreat in San Francisco this March 19-21!! I can NOT WAIT!! I am so looking forward to a weekend dedicated to my creativity and unleashing my wild heart. You can hear the interview I did with the amazing Chris Zydel on Creative Juicy Life HERE to see why I am so excited and honored to be heading out to San Fran this month!!
I want to thank all the friends, fans, and LOVELY souls that have touched my life through Dirty Footprints Studio. You have made my life so very Creative Juicy, and I am truly grateful! Please share the good news happening in your own life. Let’s rock March together!
Big hugs!!
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