Belly LOVE: Move

This is only my third Belly LOVE post, and wow–how my attitude and perspective on what I am doing has changed.
I keep learning these HUGE lessons. Having these amazing awakenings. And finding myself in tears–as if my shell is beginning to crack open and healing light is making its way softly in.
This past week, I began to move. In other words–exercise intentionally!
A year ago this time I had a running practice that made me super happy–but a few months into it, it resulted in a terrible foot injury that after numerous tests and a few different doctors–it is still not quite the same. That injury really hurt me–not only physically–but I let it stop my whole fitness plan altogether.
Honestly, I gave up.
If I couldn’t run….then what was any of it worth. I even started to become lax on my Yoga practice as well.
But, this past week I told myself I would begin again. Like really begin—turn on the 30 Day Shred kind of begin!! Pull out my Power Yoga DVD and start sweating like crazy begin! And guess what, even though Jillian Michaels majorly has been kicking my juicy ass—I feel alive, strong, and ready to handle anything!
This week, I laid on the floor sweating waterfalls, and I began to cry. My whole self became overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude that I could feel the blood rushing through my veins–gratitude that my muscles were aching and killing me—gratitude that I was out of breath and my cheeks were rosy and glistening! Gratitude that I was alive. Completely, 100%, ALIVE.
My tears made me realize something…..I have been living in great fear. Not exercising–giving up—was me giving into fear. This past week I exercised intensely four times. Just in those four sessions, I already feel a bit stronger, a bit leaner even. And you know what–it’s scary.
It’s scary to feel your own power rushing through your body. It’s scary to have nothing to hide behind–no excuses that you can prescribe to anymore. It’s scary to really take a look at yourself and see where you are, who you are, how you feel even….and realize that there is only one answer that sits in your lap, and is waiting for you to move….
Move forward.
Move your body.
Move your attitudes, believes, stories you tell into the garbage–and take on a new lifestyle altogether.
I’m serious about this. Do you hear me?
I’m serious about facing fear directly in the belly….and working with it–befriending it–standing strong in warrior pose with it–pushing myself through interval training with it–and letting it fuel this new life I am entering into.
Fuel, that I will burn…fuel that I will recycle into wisdom, if I’m lucky.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face….You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
–Eleanor Roosevelt
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