30 Journals 30 Days: EFFY WILD


How long have you been Art Journaling?

I’ve attempted to art journal a couple of times over the past two years, but failed to please myself with the work I was doing because I was caught up in a perfectionist trap. About three months ago, I found Art Journal LOVE Letters, signed up, and I’ve been gangbusters ever since. Thanks to our beloved Connie, I have found my MESSY and I love it to pieces!


How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?

Art journaling has been a panacea for a problem with perfectionism that has been with me since childhood. I believed, prior to finding my personal art journaling niche, that I could never do anything right. This is typical for survivors of child sexual abuse, unfortunately, and though I have done a lot of intense therapy, this one issue really held over for me until I started to splash paint and gel medium around in my journal. Shortly after I took the LOVE Letters workshop, I claimed space in my house for my very own, set up an artsy fartsy studio, and did not let anything distract me from my new goal – to make something every day. The joy I derive from it has rescued me from depression, given me renewed zest for life, and a completely new sense of direction. I have never known what I wanted to be when I grew up, but now I know, and I’m even brave enough to tell you! I want to work with women in homeless shelters and addictions treatment centers. I want to bring them art journal LOVE. I want to share what I’ve discovered – that self-expression is the most self-loving thing we can do for ourselves.

What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?

My favourite materials are watercolour crayons, Golden liquid acrylics, and gel medium. Oh, and I can’t live without my Art Journal LOVE Letters journal by RobynsArt.


Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
Connie, of course


What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?

Be messy, my newbie love! Go for it. Remember that if you aren’t thrilled with something you’ve done, there is nothing stopping you from slapping some gesso over it and starting fresh. Take risks. Do it as often as you can. Be real. Be you.


Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!!
I can be found at:


Videos Starring Effy:

Short Bio:

Effy Wild is tenderly and quietly here, looking for herself in all the right places. She is 41, a poet & mystic, and recently discovered art journalling and multi-media art. She is a recovering nicotine addict (don’t laugh!) and a survivor. She is looking for beauty and figuring out what to do with her one wild and precious life.

Art Journal LOVE Letters is on sale for $24.99 the entire month of July!Go HERE to register and join Art Journal LOVE’s 1 year anniversary party!


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