30 Journals 30 Days: KELLY WARREN


How long have you been Art Journaling?

Less than a year!

How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?

It’s given me permission to play and experiment without having to worry so much about the finished product. It’s gotten me out of the “I need to produce work that will sell” mentality, and more into the “Girls just wanna have fun” mentality. πŸ™‚

What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?


Paints and my fingers. I love to finger paint! I love getting my hands all messy. I’m uncomfortable with a real paintbrush in my hands, but give me just a regular old foam brush or my fingers and I’m happy. I’ve also never passed by a simple foam stamp I didn’t love.



Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?


What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?


Just do it. I had a block at first (and still do sometimes) about the “journaling part”. I’m a pretty simple, happy girl and honestly don’t do a lot of deep introspective thinking, so the writing part of art journaling tripped me up at first (and I’m a writer with a master’s degree in English!). I prefer just little snippets of text, random thoughts, simple words, etc, and often don’t write on my pages until after I’ve photographed them to share.



Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!


Kelly Warren is having a give away on her blog today!!! Be sure to go there to win a FREE registration to Art Journal LOVE Letters!!!!


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