30 Journals 30 Days: NATALIE MALIK



How long have you been Art Journaling?

For only a year and four months, actually! But I believe I’ve been doing it unconsciously for years and years, since I was five. I would draw myself and my adventures at school on my dad’s office paper when he wasn’t looking. πŸ™‚ Then it continued into a daily comic drawn on notebook paper and titled “Natty’s Boring Life”. Art and journaling have always been hand-in-hand in my life.

How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?

Creating art journals has been the most therapeutic activity I’ve ever done. I started when I was going through very troubling times, when I was doubting myself and my own life, and when I thought I lost everything. Journaling it out was the way to get through that tough time in my life, and it has been helping me ever since.

What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?

My white uniball signo gel pen! It’s absolutely amazing, and the best white pen I’ve ever used! Also Golden Soft Gel Medium, because I love image transfers, and it gives me the smoothest results. Oh, and tissue paper, because it’s just amazing and there’s so many things you can use it for! πŸ™‚

Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?

Samantha Kira (www.journalgirl.com), for sure! When I first looked up Art Journals on youtube, she was the first one I picked out, and she is an amazing source of inspiration.

And Dina Wakley (dinastamps.typepad.com), hands down, has the best techniques I’ve ever seen. I’ve enjoyed all of her classes, and she has such a unique and fresh style.


What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
Find inspiration in the small things in life.
If you’re scared that you have nothing to journal about, just do it for the sake of art! You can journal on it later!
Also, if you’re a scrapbooker, or like the looks of scrapbooks, don’t be afraid to use that style in your art journal. Do what you like. If it still looks dorky to you, study what you do like and practice! Just don’t copy too closely, unless you give credit!



Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!
I have a blog that I share my daily art/life adventures called Awkward & Beautiful – awkwardnbeautiful.blogspot.com
Twitter – missnappy


Videos Starring Natalie Malik:

Short BIO

Hi! My name is Natalie Malik, 21 years old, and I’m a Starbucks barista by day, and an art journaler by night (or on my days off). I live in a small town in South Texas, where no one knows what an art journal is (Scary, I know!). I grew up wanting to become a comic artist, and my drawing style is strongly influenced by japanese comics. Discovering how to keep an art journal has helped me cover many areas of art and has helped me mature as an artist. Hopefully this will help you too. πŸ™‚

Art Journal LOVE Letters is on sale for $24.99 the entire month of July!Go HERE to register and join Art Journal LOVE’s 1 year anniversary party!

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