30 Journals 30 Days: RACHEL WHETZEL
Published on July 1, 2010
How long have you been Art Journaling?
I’ve been art journaling since January of 2007 when I took part in Emily Falconbridge’s (http://embers.typepad.com/e/) Deck of ME prompts.
How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
Art and art journaling changed my life in a huge and positive way. It gave me the courage to claim the artist in my heart, and to explore my emotions through paint and paper. When I started following Emily’s prompts three years ago, I had no idea what that simple deck of playing cards had in store for me.
What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?
I love using old books, papers, playing cards and things like that in my art journals. Paints are a close one after that. 🙂
Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
I think I have too many to mention!! Of course, there’s Emily. (http://embers.typepad.com/e/) Some of my favorite art journalers are gals that have shared their art on A Year in the Life of an Art Journal. (http://oneyearartjournal.blogspot.com)
What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
Don’t listen to anyone but yourself. Your art is precious. It is YOU. Just because you allow others to see it online or elsewhere doesn’t mean you’ve given away the right to hold it tight to yourself. Do not compromise a technique/product/idea because of another person’s idea that they should not be used.
Where can we contact you…give us some link LOVE!
main website from which all my other online adventuring is linked http://rachelwhetzel.com
Short Bio:
My name is Rachel Whetzel.
When I’m not lazing about the internets. I am creating in our tiny farm house located on 7 acres in Southern Oregon. When I’m not creating, I am taking trips to the river, playing with chickens, searching for local food sources, cleaning up after three boys and generally enjoying whatever moment I am in.
Art Journal LOVE Letters is on sale for $24.99 the entire month of July!Go HERE to register and join Art Journal LOVE’s 1 year anniversary party!
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