FEARLESS We Paint: Guest Post By Emma Peabody
Published on December 13, 2010
I don’t aspire to be fearless. Not in the sense of never experiencing fear, at least.
Fear is a natural aspect of our animal selves and certainly no kind of failure.
But there is another way to be fearless.
Fearlessness, to me, is about expressing and living truth. Exploring new territory, even when it’s frightening. Even when there’s a chance I might fall flat on my face.
In BIG, we explored that type of fearlessness and the wonderful group of women engaging in this together has inspired me to no end.
You’ve read here about some of the ways we paint fearlessly in BIG. In and of itself, that is a wonderful, magical thing.
That fearless approach can spill into the rest of your life, though, and almost certainly will.
BIG came at a perfect time for me, as I began a new chapter of my life and work. It helped to inspire me to begin trying new things – things that feel risky, but which call to me.
What happens when you really begin to do this is amazing. Baffling. Life-changing. One possibility or idea or experiment or connection leads to another and another and another. It’s the ripple effect gone wild.
And remember how I mentioned those times when there’s a risk you’ll fall flat on your face?
I am learning that as real as that risk feels, you will very rarely, if ever, fail in spectacular ways. Everything you try with a spirit of exploration, fearlessness (see above), and interest will lead you to new knowledge, new questions, and new ideas. Your “failures” will reveal themselves to be new ways of learning.
And that is no platitude. I mean this very seriously.
We all have dreams and fears. I urge you to take a step into your dreams today. You may be afraid. That just means you’re joining hundred and thousands and millions of others in that feeling. It’s OK. Do it anyway and begin to explore. You’re going to find something amazing.
Come join the Tribe of FEARLESS Painters!!
BIG is currently on sale HERE! Starts January 9, 2011–ring in the New Year BIG!
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