Just Play! Just Play! Just Play!


A month ago today I met my beloved harmonium pictured above for the very first time.  It was, I have to admit, love at first note.  And what’s a real hoot-a-nanny is that I had no clue–no idea–not even one tiny little inkling of suspicion that I would even be touching a harmonium–none the less coming home with my own–or even more–performing live in front of a crowd!!!

All I knew is that I was falling even more deeply in love with kirtan, and since I was already at Kirtan Camp–why not embrace everything being offered to me.

So I did.  And now, every day since, I have played my beloved harmonium daily.  Getting to know the notes like they are a natural extension of my finger tips.  Understanding the three chants that I am up to playing as if they have always been a part of the natural fabric of my heart. And that’s it.  I just play.

Play because each time I do–I feel a bit more still, at peace, blissful even.

Play because it’s fun and brings me joy.

Play because I know that it’s healing–not only to me–but the vibrations of both this silly little instrument and my silly little voice have a way of rippling out into the world.

Play because that’s what I’m being called to do.

I just play.

And guess what?

Today, a month exactly since I’ve first learned my first note, I am going to lead kirtan before my Yoga Teacher Training class with my fellow yogis!

And guess what else?

I’ve also been invited to play kirtan with a group of children Yogis that live at the homeless center here in Phoenix as well.

And–I will be playing kirtan at the Lunar Lotus Yoga practice this full moon (by the way–ALL is welcome–go HERE for more info).

All of these awesome opportunities are coming into my life–because I just play.  And play from my heart–with all my heart–for nothing less but to experience the heart.

Bhakti yoga, which kirtan is a huge part of, is all about surrender.
Complete fall-on-the-ground surrender.

I’ve always been a huge advocate and practitioner of surrender–
but for the first time in my life,
I’m learning that maybe the most real surrender comes when we give EVERYTHING to love–
that we give so much of ourselves–
that we forget ourselves–
and everything collapses around us–
so that it can magically reveal it self to us.

And all we ever have to do is just play.

Just play.  Just play.  Just play.

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