Nurture Your Artist Soul


I have guided a total of 8 tribes now through BIG–the first part of my FEARLESS™ Painting Adventures.  And each time I have had the opportunity to meet a new group of amazing women and watch the beauty unfold as they embrace the process.  There is a lot of fun, laughter, healing, release, fear, tears, and even anger that arises–but time and time again I’m always in awe to see the transformation that occurs.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Jeanie in BIG.

One of the things that most of the women have in common that gather together in BIG is that at one time in their life they heard the calling to be an Artist.  They heard it so strong and clear–but something happened.  A teacher, a parent, a loved one, a spouse–someone said something that shattered their courage to follow their calling.  Or maybe it wasn’t a someone–but a something–an experience, a perceived lack of time, money, energy, talent, or worthiness.  Whatever it is, many women that come to BIG are no longer willing to ignore or suppress the calling they hear any longer.  It may only be a distant whisper or a constant screaming–but they know that it’s time to claim their heart’s calling again.

My heart always goes out to these women.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Brandi in BIG.

And the thing that kills me  is that many of them live with such regret.  They feel that they some how missed out on something–that they are lacking in who they are as an Artist because they failed to defend their calling earlier on.

I whole heartedly disagree.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Colleen in BIG.

Here is the beauty of being an Artist–here is the truth of this calling…

Your life–every ounce, second, breath, and obstacle that created your beautiful life—only makes you more and more unique and special as an Artist.  Skills, technique, and theory can be learned and even perfected at any time—it is not a gift only for the young.  But your Artist heart–your Artist soul–that is where the real nurturing needs to happen before anything else.

Making pretty pictures and having your technique tight and perfect does NOT make you an Artist.

Embracing your truth–being brave to express who you are–
at this moment–no matter what your background or skill looks like.

That’s where real Art begins.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Jane in BIG.

BIG is about painting FEARLESS™.  About nurturing your Artist soul–about embracing our regrets–our imperfections–our silly little things that make us so beautifully unique.

BIG is about painting BIG–because that’s where we find the courage to SHOW OURSELVES–not the world–but ourselves who we truly are.

Painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Jane in BIG.

My next tribe of BIG begins Sunday, January 15th—the first Tribe of FEARLESS™ Painters of the new year!!! I can’t wait!! So much promise! So much energy! So much reason to truly go FEARLESS™!!!!

And each time BIG goes on sale I say are you ready?  Meaning, are you ready to nurture that Artist soul–to embrace whatever your path in life has looked like–to paint FEARLESS™!  To get messy!  To have fun! To surprise yourself! To let go! To be YOU!

Are you ready?  Then join me! Join the growing Tribe of FEARLESS™ Painters!

BIG officially goes on sale today at a HUGE HUGE discount!! You can save $25 on each of the three packages!!! And here’s the fun part—each week BIG is going to stay on discount–but go up in price $5. So grab it while it’s cheap(er) HERE!!!

To learn more about BIG and to register jump on over HERE or simply register below–and remember, I always limit registration to secure that intimate, cozy feeling.


PACKAGE #1 :: $100 (originally $125)
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In Package #1 each FEARLESS™ Painter receives:



  • 6 weeks (really 7) of inspiring & informative videos, text, discussions, pdf’s, &  live interactive video chats designed to deepen your connection with Creative Source, strengthen & help you grow more aware of your innate wisdom, & pursue your creativity with greater confidence & self reliance.
  • 2 emails each week sent to your personal inbox to motivate & keep you engaged in the FEARLESS™ Painting Process.
  • Quality personal attention, support, and feedback by Connie Hozvicka: an experience licensed Art Educator, professional Artist, and founder of the FEARLESS™ Painting Process.
  • The magical and fulfilling opportunity to be a part of the growing FEARLESS™ Painting Tribe, including special invitation to join the FEARLESS™ Painting Tribe private group on Facebook.
  • The opportunity to finally let go of your fears and paint like a rockstar!



PACKAGE #2 :: $130  (originally $155)
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In Package #2 each FEARLESS™ Painter receives:



  • All of the above listed in package #1 plus two scheduled live teleconferences where we discuss in deeper detail the FEARLESS™ Painting Process and how it is transforming our lives, what challenges we are facing, and how to go deeper into our practice. Each teleconference is recorded for later listening and long distance phone charges may apply to those living outside the continental US. That’s right–we get to chat–in real time–on the phone!!! How freaking fun is that?!?!
PACKAGE #3 :: $250  (originally $275)
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In Package #3 each FEARLESS™ Painter receives:



  • All of the above listed in package #2 plus two FEARLESS™ Painting mentoring sessions done via Skype or telephone.  In these two mentoring sessions we will examine your process deeper by reviewing your paintings and weekly journaling, answering all questions, and working to find ways to make your FEARLESS™ Painting practice influence your life with more impact and personalize attention. Your mentoring sessions will be scheduled at Week #6 of BIG and a follow-up session three weeks later.



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My weekly newsletter is filled with studio updates,
announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.

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