I’m Painting Again


Like I said earlier….I’m painting again.

Seriously, it feels so good.  So right.  Even so exciting.

Just to be painting again.


Yesterday I stapled a piece of vellum bristol to  my painting wall and arranged a few different shades of greens on my palette.

I was feeling the green.

Maybe cause I couldn’t get these two trees out of my mind.  I walk past them everyday when I juggle Phoenix in his stroller and Nyla on her leash–and I wonder why I never really noticed them before.



It’s a little silly, if I can be honest.  I get all choked up thinking of those trees–and of Phoenix–and of my palette of greens—-because it all seems so alive to me.  An aliveness that I never fully experienced before–an aliveness I wish to capture and share and spread through not only my paintbrush and words on this blog—but in my presence in this world.

Things are changing for me.  In one of the most beautiful ways:

Completely on their own.  Without any help, push, or planning from me.

Every day it unfolds at ease–when I let myself be fully present.


So of course that’s why I’m painting again–because there’s no better place to paint from–

In the present moment–

With my little guy snuggled close to my heart.

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