Making FEARLESS Sand Mandalas

FEARLESS Sand Mandala done on the beach in Mazanillo, Costa Rica.

We’ve been spending our evenings watching the sunset at the beach.  And if I’m not sketching in my Moleskine or playing in the sand with Phoenix–I’ve been drawing FEARLESS sand mandalas!!

I started drawing mandalas when I was pregnant with Phoenix–and find them hugely meditative.  When I create them it’s like the whole world slips away.  Drawing mandalas in the sand is like 50 times that!!

The one pictured above was my first FEARLESS sand mandala–and I started drawing it way too close to the ocean–so before I was even half way done–the tide swept it away!

Oh well! It was fun anyways!

Coco Loco Beach in Costa Rica.

My next FEARLESS Sand Mandala was created at Coco Loco Beach.  This was a wild experience!!

Coco Loco Beach is one of those places that only the locals know about.  We traveled through narrow, bumpy jungle paths to get there.  And as I created this piece I was kept company by both the sound of the ocean and the loud howling of the Howling Monkeys in the trees next to me.

Plus, there were jaguar prints in the sand as well–which made me a tad nervous.

Creating a FEARLESS Sand Mandala at Coco Loco Beach, Costa Rica.
Finished FEARLESS Sand Mandala.  Coco Loco Beach, Costa Rica.
Finished FEARLESS Sand Mandala.  Coco Loco Beach, Costa Rica.
Finished FEARLESS Sand Mandala.  Coco Loco Beach, Costa Rica.

This time I made it far away enough from the ocean–that I could finish before the tide washed it away!

Pura Vida!!

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