Published on April 18, 2013
When I start a new writing journal, I always pick a card to set the intention for the journal. In card I mean either an oracle card or an animal card or even a tarot card.
It’s just a little ritual I like to do.
But I’ve never thought of doing that for a sketchbook or an art journal, until now.
So before starting this new Moleskine sketchbook I picked a card from my Earth Magic deck and received “Iceberg: Submerged”.
I don’t know, it feels like a heavy card to pick, but we shall see what is in store as this sketching adventure progresses.
What’s also kind of interesting, is that the horse has decided to make a visit to my sketchbook already.
Last sketchbook I was so pulled to drawing elephants. Plus, it seemed that everywhere I looked or went, elephants were visiting me in some form.
But as I went out to the desert last week to pray and collect my thoughts, I asked for guidance and only a few moments later two horses came running by. Of course, they had riders on them, but it was their incredible strength that moved me–and their grace.
Also, I’ve just jumped right into working with watercolors and I’m not having the same issues like I did in the last sketchbook. I’m not experiencing the same resistance to the paint on the paper like I did. So that’s been a lot of fun to play with.
But best of all, I just am in total love with keeping a daily sketching practice. I love the challenge of strengthening my drawing skills and sharpening my eye, yes. But it’s helping me see how much I have to be grateful for in this life even more.
Not by how much or what stuff I have.
But by really taking a look at what I do have–and how it all supports me and my family and creates a home–a little sanctuary to replenish ourselves in.
This is truly a blessing.
Life is truly a blessing and I am so honored to share little glimpses of my life with you. To show my appreciation I will be sharing a totally FREE online workshop for you tomorrow here on Dirty Footprints Studio!
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