A Warm Reminder


Just a warm reminder that this is your last week to purchase 21 SECRETS LIVE! at it’s cheapest price ever!  Come September 1st prices will go up slightly.  We would all LOVE LOVE LOVE to art journal LIVE! with you next year!

Art by 21 SECRETS LIVE! Artists: Diana Trout, Hali Karla, Andrea Schroeder.

21 SECRETS LIVE! is for:

  • Someone who is craving a bit of weekly inspiration around art journaling!  21 SECRETS LIVE! is the perfect medicine to rev up your art journaling practice!
  • Someone who feels ready or absolutely thrives on just being creative and not needing step-by-step instructions and drawn out guidelines.
  • Someone who is excited about the opportunity to meet a variety of different teachers with loads of talent and tons of ideas!
  • Someone who loves the idea of art journaling together with other kindred Spirits!  In 21 SECRETS LIVE! we encourage you to art journal along with us!
  • Someone who is just learning about art journaling or a seasoned veteran or  simply those lovelies in between!
  • Someone that believes art journaling is fun!

21 SECRETS LIVE! is NOT for:

  • Someone that wants step-by-step instruction and drawn out guidelines on how to create in their art journal.
  • Someone that is expecting tons of hand-outs and pages and pages of things to read through.
  • Someone who is only interested in watching the progression of how the teacher creates.  In 21 SECRETS LIVE! we are a bit casual!  The teachers will show you periodically what they are working on, but their process will not be fully broadcasted.
  • Someone that doesn’t enjoy art journaling!


To learn more and to register please go HERE!

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announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.

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