Painting The Feminine :: Closure


This journal spread initially began with both Phoenix and I drawing on it with oil pastels.  Then he moved onto playing with his trucks, then his books, then his sandbox, then his stuffed octopus, and then back to helping Mom!

But as I worked on it, I thought about closure.

One of my beloved yoga teachers was recently speaking about the importance of creating closure in our lives–especially as women.

She included bringing closure to everything from relationships to an idea you entertain in your mind.

As I worked on this piece I thought about that discussion and realized that what’s beautiful about closure is that we can lean into ritual and ceremony to make it happen.

A journal page, lighting a candle, a walk in the park, construct a quilt, write a poem, have a heart-to-heart conversation with a good girlfriend…what have you.

Closure only takes our willingness to let it go.  To say enough is enough.


Ritual and ceremony though, can help seal the deal.

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