Painting The Feminine :: Gatherer of Light
Published on November 5, 2013
This painting feels so revealing that I almost didn’t share it.
But then I remembered: anything you make of it
will only reflect you.
What you know is true of you.
That’s the thing that tangles us all up as Artists, isn’t it?
What others will say–or not say.
Sometimes we get a stomach ache from all the feedback we consume mindlessly.
And than sometimes we believe that the paintings are much more meaningful or profound.
We turn to our work like it was a prophet, an oracle, or even a blessed saint.
That’s ok too.
For me, Painting The Feminine is less about depicting women and more about journeying into that mysterious realm of intuition and innate wisdom. It’s about communing with Truth and practicing Trust. It’s about understanding the Feminine. Capital F, please.
It’s about letting go of predictions, expectations, and even preferences disguised as habits.
It’s about showing up to this fleeting moment of time–
Calling it my Life–
Then capturing it
with an old and dirty paintbrush
and my one and only open heart.
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