Painting The Feminine :: The Noble Path


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Just yesterday I was pushing Phoenix in the stroller around the pond by our home.  He likes to curl his arms up on the side of the seat and rest his chin against his wrists as he watches the trees, ducks, and dragonflies go by.

I must reach my hand down at least a thousand times just to caress the top of his head.

What did I do in my past lives to receive such an honor as this?

Yes, Motherhood broke me.  It shattered everything I knew as true–about life and love and femininity.

But like the wind never ceases to touch the Earth…Motherhood was kind enough to breathe new life into me as well.

It’s brought me closer to God.
A God not of story and myth.

But a God of strength and wisdom.

A God found lounging under strings of prayer bundles.
A God that sneezes dew each morning
And sparkles her toes with start dust each night–

All so she can impress her dear Beloved.

And oh her dear Beloved!!
She loves how he knows it is us.
And I.
And we….

Who are the ones that are chosen
To bring the light.

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