How Do I Know When An Art Journal Page Is Finished?


Today is the last day we’ll be giving away a free membership to 21 SECRETS LIVE! and sharing a little of our creative juicy wisdom with you too!  Next Friday we will be re-airing the once private Spreecast we did as a little test run for 21 SECRETS LIVE!! It was so much fun art journaling together and with a group of wonderful guests–that we want you to get a taste as well!

So, today Lisa, Hali, and I are discussing how we know when an art journal page is finished.  Be sure to stop by Lisa’s BLOG and Hali’s BLOG to see what they have to say and enter to win that free membership as well!

Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday!  Hope Santa loads your stocking with art supplies and maybe he’ll treat you to 21 SECRETS LIVE!

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