Visualize With Me…


Visualize with me for just a moment that it’s Monday, January 6.

You wake up..

Stretch your arms.

Wiggle your hips into seated position.

And plop your feet onto the floor searching for your fuzzy slippers.

Not only are you feeling jazzed because you’re still surfing on the high of your New Year’s intentions, but today, sitting all warm and gooey in your email inbox is the very first Painting The Feminine email.

You don’t even bother going to the bathroom or brushing your teeth.

Heck, you even kept your laptop on all night just so that you could flip it open and hit inbox.

And that’s what you do.

Ahhhhh.  Here we go.  I welcome you, inspire you, and then send you on your merry way to begin your month long challenge of Painting The Feminine.

You know this is gonna be big.  You know this is gonna change your life.

You’ve always wanted to make a daily practice of painting.  And now you are.

So yeah.  You gotta join me.  It’s going to be really juicy.

And, if you want to get in on the payment plan you have to do so before the end of the day this Friday. That still gives you a little time to use that money Santa stuffs your stocking with.

So, I hope to Paint The Feminine with you in 2014.  It’s gonna be rich, transformative, and wildly creative.

Go HERE to see what I mean.


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