My One Constant Compass :: My Paintbrush


Today my dear friend Heather Plett is launching a creative journal called Pathfinder.  It’s not an eBook–it’s the real deal.  Something you can hold in your hands, carry in your purse, and cuddle up with on the couch.  But most of all it’s a guide for those that are aching for a more authentic, wholehearted life.

I am not an affiliate for Heather, just a strong believer in the work that she shares.

Heather herself has influenced my life by her willingness to address the tough questions, her integrity to truly walk her talk–even in the hard times, and the heart of a lioness whose courage to be true to herself always amazes me.

Heather emailed me recently with a question: Who or what helped you find your path to the work of your heart?

I can say with humble confidence that I have been an Artist all my life.  This has truly been my path.  But through the years, as I’ve explored many different avenues of work in the Arts, it wasn’t until I surrendered to the work I do here at Dirty Footprints Studio that I actually found the work of my heart.

My path to where I am now has been blessed with incredible mentors and teachers who have believed in me as well as challenged me.  But the one thing that has always been my constant compass is my dear, beloved paintbrushes.

FEARLESS Painting literally maps the course of my life and not usually in an illustrative way where the paintings show me something concrete, but rather through the actual practice I’m able to access my own innate wisdom and guidance with much more confidence and ease.  FEARLESS Painting helps me release the energetic, mental, and emotional debris that clogs my inspiration and most especially tarnishes my trust in myself.

It was FEARLESS Painting that prompted me to leave my job.  It was FEARLESS Painting that navigated me through a very challenging year last year.  It was FEARLESS Painting that keeps me grounded and boosts my courage.

FEARLESS Painting  lead me straight to the work of my heart and has connected me to an incredible web of amazing FEARLESS Painters who are following their own truth as well one brushstroke at a time!

And because of FEARLESS Painting I was blessed to meet Heather Plett at my Creative Dig workshop in 2009 and have been graced with her friendship ever since.  If there is anyone who can help you dig deeper into your own passion and heart and nudge you gently on your own path–it’s Heather.  I highly recommend her latest offering: Pathfinder.  Go take a look for yourself!

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