Say Hello To Jeanette House & Jes Belkov Gordon!

From now until April 1st, every Friday (sorry, I’m a day late) here at Dirty Footprints Studio I will be introducing a few of the amazing teachers that are part of 21 SECRETS Spring which releases on April 1st as the first ever 21 SECRETS eBook!  You can meet the past six teachers I’ve already introduced to you HERE.

Today, please say hello to Jeanette House and Jes Belkov Gordon.

When a teacher agrees to be a part of 21 SECRETS I ask them to share with me a few photos of their art work that they feel best represents themselves as an Artist.  The photos that Jeanette gave me are beautiful and definitely demonstrate her talent–but I decided that I wanted to share with you this piece on the right of Jeanette’s that I borrowed from her website.  Why?  Because this piece represents perfectly the stuff that makes me drool puddles of deep admiration!!  This woman’s got wild painterly skills!  I seriously want this painting just so I can live with it day-in and day-out.  I don’t even think Jeanette realizes it, but she possesses that special something that many fine artists go in debt over in art school for–and that is the ability to transfer beauty AND emotion through her brushstrokes.  Take those amazing skills and pair it up with a huge heart of gold and you can see why I am so pleased and honored to have Jeanette sharing her workshop Outside, Inside in this year’s 21 SECRETS Spring!

To learn more about Jeanette please visit her website HERE or hop on over and check out her official bio HERE.

Why I’m so excited to bring Jes to 21 SECRETS Spring is because she is the Empress of color!  Jes even has a business called Buckets Of Color where she spreads the theory and healing elements of color where ever she goes.  Every Artist I feel, could benefit to learn or refresh their memory on the theory and juiciness that lies behind the how and why we use color and Jes is definitely the woman that will deliver the news with skill, wisdom, and total heart.  And it’s that heart part that I feel is Jes’s true gift to the world.  Jes is an Artist that truly cares about helping others find their sweet spot–formally through the art work they do–and spiritually as her work fully supports the inner world all of us Artists face when we create.  Jes’s workshop Color It Joyful! is certain be the kind you return to again and again!

Jump on over HERE to visit Jes’s website or shimmy over HERE to read her official bio.

21 SECRETS is on sale now!

Go HERE for more info!

Please join me on Friday when I introduce Juliana Coles & Julie Gibbons!

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