Say Hello To Katie Kendrick & Lisa Cheney!


From now until April 1st, every Friday  here at Dirty Footprints Studio I am proud to introduce a few of the amazing teachers that are part of  21 SECRETS Spring which releases on April 1st as the first ever 21 SECRETS eBook!  You can meet the past teachers I’ve already introduced to you HERE.

Today it is such a joy to introduce you to Katie Kendrick and Lisa Cheney!

Every time Katie Kendrick posts a painting on Facebook or her blog, my heart stops for a second.  Katie’s paintings are so saturated in the Feminine that it’s hard for me not to be moved by them.  There’s this depth and mystery to how she paints that is so unique and unlike any artists you see online.  Katie truly brings her light and essence to each brushstroke, line, and layer.  But what’s even more exciting about her work is that each painting feels like another chapter in a story.  Each painting seems to lead into the next one she posts–right when you think you have seen this painting before–you realize it’s actually new and fresh.  Kind of like life.  I think what makes Katie’s work so powerful is her use of universal and personal symbols.  What a huge gift that she’ll be sharing this wisdom with us in 21 SECRETS Spring in her Signs and Symbols workshop.  I can’t wait!

Learn more about Katie Kendrick on her website HERE and read her official bio HERE.

In 2013 I was going through a really challenging, difficult period of my life and I started sketching in my Moleskine as a way to relax as well as document the little things of beauty around me.  When I began this practice a friend of mine recommended I check out Danny Gregory’s book: An Illustrated Journey.  I love this book–and Danny Gregory also interviewed many of the featured artists on his website–and it was Lisa Cheney’s interview that inspired me most.  Her work and her heart on the page is what made me commit to this practice even more.  I think I watched her interview two or three times and all I knew is that I really wanted to learn from Lisa.  My intention was to take her class at the annual Art Unraveled that’s hosted here where I live in Phoenix, but my schedule wouldn’t permit it.  So I crossed my fingers and instead invited her to bring her beautiful process to 21 SECRETS Spring.  What a huge joy it is that she said yes!  Lisa’s work is INCREDIBLE.  And most of all, it’s the kind of work words can’t describe.  You have to see it to understand.  So thank you to Lisa for bringing her passion and skills to share with us in  The Savage Mirror workshop.  I’m going to be like that student that sits in the front of the room, pencil in hand, ready to go once April 1st comes along!

Soak in Lisa Cheney’s work on her website HERE and learn more about her in her official bio HERE.

21 SECRETS Spring will be released on April 1st–just a teeny tiny bit over a month away!!

Registration is open now!! Go HERE for more info!

And next Friday I’ll be introducing you to Lisa Hofman & Lisa Sonora Beam!

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